When is the best time to travel to Iceland?

Iceland, the Land of Fire and Ice, is a land of extremes. From the midnight sun to the northern lights, and from stunning volcanic landscapes to incredible wildlife, this faraway island is a feast for the eyes.

Since the seasons vary so drastically in this far north, choosing the best time to visit Iceland will really depend on what you want to experience. But no season should be ruled out, since there is a lot to see at any time of the year.

Although a visit to Iceland goes off the beaten tourist path, certain experiences and seasons attract large numbers of tourists and should be booked well in advance.

Winters in Iceland are brutal, but if you are well prepared with the right equipment it can be a very rewarding time to visit, not just to see the Northern Lights. Hiking and whale watching are best in summer, when there are also plenty of festivals to visit.

If you need help deciding when is the best time to visit Iceland for the experience you dream of, read on. We've put together all the details to help you choose the perfect time that balances cost, weather and crowds.


What is the best time to go to Iceland?

The best time to go to Iceland and enjoy the good weather is summer, between May and August. The days are longer, so you can do much more sightseeing, and the temperatures are pleasant and mild.

This is also peak tourist season for visiting Iceland , so be prepared for large crowds of tourists at the sights and attractions, not to mention rising prices for hotel rooms and flights. Of course, Iceland is never cheap even in the low season.

Late spring and early fall offer a great compromise: all the benefits of mild weather without the peak season crowds and inflated costs. April to May and September to October offer this perfect balance, ideal for sightseeing. Yes, the days are a little shorter and it can be a little cold, but the reward will be a much more relaxed and economical experience.

Whale watching is best done between April and October; This is peak travel season, so be sure to plan and book well in advance. It is still possible to see whales outside of the summer season in some regions, as long as there are no storms. You will likely be given a thermal suit to protect yourself from the frigid temperatures.

The Northern Lights are a popular reason to travel to Iceland. They can normally be seen from late September to March, when the nights are darkest. Precipitation and cloud cover are not ideal for viewing the Northern Lights, so months when there is less chance of cloud cover are ideal: October and November are usually the best.

The cheapest time to travel is during the winter months, outside the Christmas and New Year period. Prices for accommodation and flights in Iceland are the cheapest at this time. However, if you want to balance costs with better weather for sightseeing, you should opt for the spring and fall seasons.

The best time to go to Reykjavík

Reykjavík, Iceland's vibrant capital, is ideal to visit at any time of the year. In summer, the city has around 21 hours of daylight and experiences the best weather. Daytime highs reach ten years and rainfall is minimal.

Although summer offers great weather, it comes at a price. Accommodation in Reykjavík is much more expensive at this time, the number of tourists is at its highest and you cannot see the Northern Lights at this time of year. On the other hand, there are many festivals and celebrations during the summer months, and it is an ideal time for whale watching.

Autumn (September and October) is slightly cooler and the days start to get much shorter. However, flight and hotel prices are much lower and the hordes of summer tourists have left. There is a small chance of seeing the Northern Lights on clear days, but if this is your main reason for visiting the country, prefer to plan a trip in winter.

Rain and snow characterize the winter months. It's dark and cold and perfect for seeing the Northern Lights . You can easily get a good deal on accommodation and flights. However, some experiences may not be available due to poor weather conditions and their impact on roads.

Spring is a mix of climates, but is still much cheaper than peak season. The days are getting longer and warmer, which is ideal for sightseeing, but not for seeing the Northern Lights.

The best time to see the northern lights

The magical Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, are a popular reason to travel to Iceland. The distances between the cities of this country make it easy to avoid light pollution, and the winter months are dark, making it easy to observe this incredible phenomenon.

Like most natural phenomena, predicting the visibility of the Northern Lights isn't an exact science, so there's always a small chance you'll miss it. Of course, there's not much you can do to encourage a solar flare or solar wind to increase your chances of seeing the aurora, but you can plan your trip for a time when you're most likely to see them.

September to the end of March is the time when it is usually dark enough to see the Northern Lights . Months in which there is less or no rainfall are preferable, since cloudiness is the last thing you want. October and November offer dark nights and little chance of cloud cover, increasing your chances of seeing the Northern Lights.

February and March also offer good conditions for viewing the Northern Lights, but with a slightly higher chance of cloud cover.

The best time to do the Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is (as the name suggests) a circular route that starts in Reykjavík and runs through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Iceland. It is the cornerstone of most Iceland trips . The route takes you to three of the country's top attractions: Þingvellir National Park, the Geysir geothermal area and Gullfoss waterfall, and a whole host of additional little gems along the way.

The route can be done in a day, or you can take your time exploring some of the smaller, but no less fascinating, places in between. Scheduled group tours can get you back to your hotel before you've spent a full day of work, but a self-paced driving adventure can be very rewarding.

Although the summer months offer long days and mild weather ideal for sightseeing, they also come with the inconvenience of buses packed with tourists. If driving yourself, accommodation along the way can be expensive this time of year.

Of course, doing the Golden Circle in winter will offer a completely different perspective of the landscape. It will be cold, but that means you will also be able to see the Northern Lights. Gullfoss waterfall will be frozen and hauntingly beautiful at this time.

The best time to go sightseeing in Iceland

The long hours of daylight and mild summer weather make it a great time to enjoy tourism. So good, that's when everyone does it. This means you'll likely have to endure long waits at major attractions, struggling to see past the large crowds and typical high-season prices.

May and September, the months immediately before and after peak season, offer the best weather for visiting the many attractions while avoiding the crowds and costs of peak season. Although the days are shorter than in midsummer, there is still plenty of daylight to enjoy your visits. Before May or after September, the weather can be more variable and the days much shorter.

Winter is much cheaper to visit Iceland, but in addition to the frigid temperatures, snow and rain can make some roads impassable, meaning some sights will be inaccessible. Furthermore, the days are very short and only offer about four or five hours of light for sightseeing.

Winter, outside of the Christmas and New Year holiday period, is the cheapest time to visit Iceland. This time of year is characterized by intense cold, dark days with few hours of daylight and, in times of bad weather, inaccessible roads in some places.

The spring and fall seasons offer a happy compromise between the good weather of summer and the low costs of winter. During these seasons, you can continue enjoying the good weather and an experience without crowds.

Another advantage of traveling outside of peak season is that you have the option of waiting for last-minute deals, which can mean greater savings on accommodation and flights.

The busiest time to visit Iceland

Despite its long, dark winters, Iceland is a rewarding year-round destination and attracts tourists all year round. Of course, certain times are busier than others, so it's always best to have all the facts when choosing the best time to visit Iceland.

The busiest tourist season is summer, between May and September. These months offer the warmest weather, with daytime temperatures around 20 degrees, and in some places almost 21 hours of daylight.

The long days and mild climate are ideal for sightseeing, whale watching, and hiking. The Northern Lights are not visible during the summer months.

The winter months are the quietest to visit Iceland, with the exception of the Christmas and New Year holiday period, which sees a brief return to peak conditions with more tourists and higher prices.

The spring and fall seasons are busier than the winter months in terms of tourist numbers, but not as busy as the peak summer season.

Weather in Iceland

Iceland has four distinct seasons, although the weather at any time can be variable and unpredictable.

The west of the country benefits greatly from the warm Gulf Stream that flows from the Caribbean. When this warm air meets arctic air from the north, things can get very temperamental.

There's a saying in Iceland: "if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes," and these competing air masses are to blame. In winter, this can lead to windy and stormy weather.

Summer in Iceland is characterized by long hours of daylight and mild temperatures. Days rarely reach temperatures above 20 degrees below zero, and although it is mostly sunny and bright, it can also become foggy and rainy at any moment.

Winters are cold in Iceland, with frequent snowfall and rain. It is dark, with few hours of daylight, and high temperatures rarely reach double digits (Celsius). Storms can cause travel problems, as some roads may become impassable.

Interestingly, although Iceland is located further north than most of Europe, the United States and parts of Canada, its winters are not as cold as, say, New York or even Russia. The warm Gulf Stream means that the country does not live up to its name as much as one would expect.

What is the best weather in Iceland?

The southern coastal region of Iceland is generally characterized by mild summers and cool winters that are usually not too cold. The influence of warm ocean currents causes a milder overall climate. The differences between summer and winter are not extreme, and rain can be expected at any time of the year.

In the interior and in the higher areas, the climate is much cooler. Summer maximum temperatures rarely reach ten degrees Celsius and winters are much colder than in the southern coastal regions.

The northern regions of the country tend to have cooler temperatures in general, with daytime maximums in winter around 10°C, much colder than in the south, whose average is 0°C.

Festivals in Iceland

Iceland celebrates many festivals annually, from ancient Viking traditions and religious observances to more contemporary celebrations. Iceland's population may be small, but its capacity for celebration is large.


A slightly modernized Viking tradition with lots of singing, dancing and eating. Gastronomic adventurers and strong stomachs can try traditional delicacies such as fermented shark, sheep's head and pickled sheep's testicles, and wash it down with a potent shot of brennivín, a brandy-like liquor nicknamed the "Black Death."

Winter Lights Festival:

The festival of lights, held annually in February, originated as a way to illuminate the darkness of the long winter months. Reykjavík is illuminated with spectacular light installations, iconic places are illuminated and various performances and shows are held.

During the four days of the festival, you can also enjoy Pool Night and Museum Night: extended hours and free entry to the city's pools and museums.


Although it's not technically a festival or celebration, the arrival of these shy, goofy-looking birds is worth taking note of. Puffins arrive on the coast in impressive numbers (more than 10 million birds) in spring for their breeding season, and leave again in mid-August. Iceland is the breeding ground for more than 60% of the world's Atlantic puffins, with colonies spread across the country.

International Viking Festival:

It is a celebration of the Viking heritage , the largest and oldest festival of its kind, held annually in the Viking Village of Hafnarfjörður.

Five days of staged battles, dancing and storytelling offer visitors a glimpse into traditional Viking life. Visitors can learn to use traditional weapons such as spears and axes, learn wood carving techniques, and purchase a variety of handmade items at the market.


Icelandic folklore is full of stories of monsters and supernatural creatures. These dark stories are likely the result of the country's deep, dark winters, volcanic landscapes, and dramatic settings.

This penchant for dark themes has given rise to an annual horror film festival that celebrates these macabre, strange and downright terrifying films.

Horror film fans can head to Akranes, a small town north of Rejkyavik, to attend the Icelandic Horror Film Festival, which celebrates both local and international horror films.

When to Visit Iceland – A Month-by-Month Breakdown

If you're still unsure about the best time to visit Iceland and live the experience you've been dreaming of, take a look at our month-by-month guide.

We've put together all the details for each month of the year to help you find the ideal balance between costs, crowds and weather.

January in Iceland

The month of January in Iceland is cold and dark . Average high temperatures are around 2°C and winds often reach gale force, making it seem colder than it is. There is also a good chance of rain and snow.

It's low season, so it's the cheapest time to visit Iceland, and there aren't too many tourists at the tourist attractions. However, the days are short and offer only a few hours of daylight for sightseeing. Some roads and attractions may be closed or inaccessible due to weather conditions.

February in Iceland

In February it is not much warmer , but the probability of rain and snow decreases. The days are longer, so there is more time for sightseeing. Most roads should now be accessible unless there is a severe storm.

You will continue to benefit from low season conditions : sightseeing remains pleasantly crowd-free and prices are low.

March in Iceland

The month of March is still cold with occasional rainy days . Snow is not likely unless you head to higher elevations. The days are getting longer and there is more light than darkness .

There are few tourists, so sightseeing remains relatively uncrowded. It is a great time to practice winter sports in the mountains, as there is more daylight to enjoy the slopes.

April in Iceland

This is the unofficial start of the summer season in Iceland. As the snow melts, the landscape is covered in greenery and flocks of migratory birds arrive. Although it is still cold, with maximum temperatures only reaching single digits (Celsius), it rains much less and the days are much longer .

Tourist numbers start to increase from April onwards, but it's not yet peak season, so costs and crowds are manageable.

May in Iceland

May is the best time to visit Iceland if you want a good balance between crowds, costs and weather. The days are nice and long, although a little cold, there are fewer tourists and prices are still low .

Temperatures remain quite low, with average highs rarely exceeding 10°C. And like any time in Iceland, the weather can be erratic. Snow is unlikely unless you head into the mountains.

June in Iceland

Now it feels much more like summer. Average temperatures can reach 20°C, but are usually around 30°C. Most days are bright and sunny, and the longest of the year.

With good weather comes crowds and high season prices . Anyone who wants to visit during high season should book well in advance.

July in Iceland

Like June, July offers long sunny days and mild temperatures that attract large numbers of tourists. Average daytime temperatures are close to 30 degrees, but can sometimes be much higher. Sometimes it can rain lightly.

It's one of the most times to visit Iceland , so expect busy attractions, crowds of tourists, and high prices. If you visit during this time, there are many outdoor festivals and celebrations to attend.

August in Iceland

The month of August is still quite warm, with daytime highs around ten , but temperatures begin to drop noticeably as the month progresses. The chance of rain is slightly higher and the days are getting shorter.

It's still a good time to travel to Iceland weather-wise, but you may still encounter large numbers of tourists and higher prices.

September in Iceland

The days shorten significantly in September, in the run-up to winter. At this time it rains more and temperatures are cool , with an average maximum of about 10 °C. The first sightings of the Northern Lights are now possible, although not guaranteed.

If you visit during this time, you can enjoy the lack of crowds and the lower prices that follow the high season.

October in Iceland

Weather conditions become much more wintry in October. Although it's technically only fall, average high temperatures dip into the single digits, the days are short, and rain is common.

Conditions remain good for sightseeing and the weather has not yet affected the state of the roads. You'll also benefit from fewer crowds and off-season prices . The Northern Lights are much easier to see starting in October.

November in Iceland

Temperatures continue to drop along with the number of hours of daylight. There are only a few hours of daylight to enjoy, so you will have to plan your time well. Light rain is common, and if you head north, the chances of snow increase. Some attractions and roads are affected by weather and may not be operational.

Tourist numbers are low at this time, making sightseeing enjoyable and stress-free. You may get good accommodation deals .

December in Iceland

Cities are transformed into festive winter wonderlands , with twinkling lights and festive markets illuminating the winter darkness. Snow is common at this time, as is rain, and average daytime temperatures are around 4°C.

At Christmas there is a small uptick in tourism, but if you book in advance you are likely to get a good deal on accommodation.

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▷ Conclusion: Go out, travel and live your life to the fullest.

This year, treat yourself to a break from the ordinary and seek an adventure abroad. You'll come back refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to bore all your friends with travel stories.

Any time of year is a good time to travel. Discover the best places to travel by month:

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